Difference Point Between Heat Capacity and Specific Heat

What is heat capacity?

Heat capacity, denoted by the symbol C, is a measure of the amount of heat energy that can be absorbed or released by a substance. It is defined as the ratio of the heat added or removed from a substance to the resulting change in temperature. In simpler terms, heat capacity quantifies the ability of a substance to store and release heat energy.

What is a specific heat?

Specific heat, denoted by the symbol c, is closely related to heat capacity. It is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree Celsius (or Kelvin). Specific heat is an intrinsic property of a substance and is typically expressed in units of J/(g·°C) or J/(g·K).

Key Differences

  • Definition: Heat capacity is a measure of the total amount of heat energy that can be absorbed or released by a substance, while specific heat is a measure of the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance.
  • Units: Heat capacity is typically expressed in units of energy per degree Celsius or Kelvin (e.g., J/°C or J/K), while specific heat is expressed in units of energy per unit mass per degree Celsius or Kelvin (e.g., J/(g·°C) or J/(g·K)).
  • Extensiveness: Heat capacity is an extensive property, meaning it depends on the amount of substance present. In contrast, specific heat is an intensive property, meaning it does not depend on the amount of substance present.
  • Temperature Dependence: Heat capacity generally varies with temperature, as different substances exhibit different responses to changes in temperature. On the other hand, specific heat is relatively constant over a wide range of temperatures for most substances.

What is the difference between heat capacity and specific heat?

Heat capacity measures the total amount of heat energy that can be absorbed or released by a substance, while specific heat measures the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a substance.

How are heat capacity and specific heat related?

Heat capacity is an extensive property that depends on the amount of substance present, while specific heat is an intensive property that does not depend on the amount of substance.

What are the units for heat capacity and specific heat?

Heat capacity is typically expressed in units of energy per degree Celsius, or Kelvin, while specific heat is expressed in units of energy per unit mass per degree Celsius, or Kelvin.

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