Difference Between Primary And Secondary Metabolites [in Table]

What is Primary And Secondary Metabolites

Primary Metabolites:

The “Essential Compounds” are principal metabolites. They are similar to the everyday things our cells need to grow and live. These incorporate carbs, proteins, lipids (fats), and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). All cells contain a lot of primary metabolites, which are important for providing energy, building blocks for growth, and maintaining vital bodily functions.

Secondary Metabolites:

Now, imagine secondary metabolites as the “Special Helpers.” They are like the unique substances that some cells produce to handle specific situations. Secondary metabolites are not essential for basic survival, but they serve important roles in interacting with the environment and other organisms. Alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, and phenolic compounds are all examples of secondary metabolites. These special helpers can act as defense mechanisms against predators, attract pollinators, or adapt to changes in the environment.

Difference Between Primary and Secondary Metabolites

difference between primary and secondary metabolites comparison table

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