Difference between Melting Point and Freezing Point Comparison Table

Introduction Have you ever wondered why ice melts when heated or why a solid substance turns into a liquid at a certain temperature? These phenomena can be explained by two important concepts in thermodynamics: melting point and freezing point. In this article, we will explore the difference between these two terms and how they are … Read more

What is a difference between element and compound

Introduction:​ Physical and chemical adjustments are essential principles in the take a look at of count and its differences. In this text, we will discover the difference between physical and chemical adjustments by supplying two tables. These tables will provide a complete contrast, highlighting the contrasting capabilities of bodily and chemical changes. Let’s delve into … Read more

Difference between Oxidation and Reduction in Table

Introduction Hey there! Have you ever wondered why metals rust or why fruit turns brown when exposed to air? Well, it’s all because of a fascinating chemical process called oxidation. Today, we’re going to dive into the world of oxidation and its counterpart, reduction. Don’t worry if these terms sound complicated – I’ll break it … Read more

Difference between Acids and Bases

Introduction Hey there! Have you ever wondered what makes things sour or bitter? Well, it all comes down to acids and bases! In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of acids and bases and explore the differences between them. Get ready for a fun and educational journey! How are Acids and Bases Different? … Read more

Difference Between Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes [in Table]

Introduction Have you ever wondered what makes some substances conduct electricity while others don’t? This article will explore the fascinating world of electrolytes and nonelectrolytes. We will break down these terms and explain their differences in a way that is easy to understand, especially for students. Electrolytes: Conductors of Electricity Electrolytes are substances that conduct … Read more

Difference Between Anode And Cathode [in Table]

Difference between anode and cathode [in Table]

difference between anode and cathode comparison table

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1. Difference Between Oxidation State And Valence [in Table]

What Is The Difference Between Oxidation State And Valence [in Table]


The properties and behavior of elements is essential. Two critical concepts that help us comprehend these characteristics are “Oxidation State” and “Valence.” Both play vital roles in chemical reactions, but they have distinct definitions, calculations, and implications. In this article, we will explore the differences between oxidation state and valence, offering a clear understanding for students

Difference between oxidation state and valence [in Table]

Difference between oxidation state and valence comparison table


Most frequent questions and answers

The example of oxygen in water (H2O). The oxidation state of oxygen is -2, as it gains two electrons, while its valence is 2 since it has six valence electrons.

Oxidation state is represented using integers, while valence is denoted by a whole number signifying the number of valence electrons an element possesses.

Oxidation state and valence finds applications in various fields, including industrial processes, environmental studies, and pharmaceutical research, aiding in predicting chemical reactions and designing new compounds.

No, oxidation state and valence can vary depending on the chemical compound in which the element is present. Different compounds may cause the same element to exhibit different oxidation states and valence numbers.

Yes, during chemical reactions, oxidation states and valence of elements can change as electrons are transferred or shared between atoms. These changes are essential in understanding the progress of the reaction and the nature of the products formed.