Difference between Solubility and Dissolvability

Introduction Have you ever wondered why some substances dissolve in water while others don’t? In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of solubility and dissolvability. What is Solubility? Solubility refers to the ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent, usually water. It’s like when you add sugar to a glass of water … Read more

Difference between Saturated and Unsaturated Solutions in Table

Saturated Solutions Unsaturated Solutions A saturated solution is a solution in which the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved at a given temperature and pressure. An unsaturated solution is a solution in which less than the maximum amount of solute has been dissolved at a given temperature and pressure. Solute dissolves until no more … Read more

What Is The Difference Between Reflex Action And Walking [in Table]

Difference between a reflex action and walking comparison table     Reflex Action Walking A reflex action is an involuntary and rapid response to a stimulus without conscious thought, typically involving sensory and motor neurons. Walking is a voluntary and coordinated movement involving multiple muscles and joints, usually directed by the brain and conscious control. … Read more

Difference Between Genotype and Phenotype with Example

Introduction Genotype and phenotype are vital concepts in the subject of genetics. They help us understand the complicated relationship between an organism’s genetic information and its observable trends. In this text, we are able to discover the distinction between genotype and phenotype with the assistance of two tables. These tables will provide a clear comparison, … Read more

Nucellar polyembryony is significant in horticulture.

Solution: polyembryony: (1) Polyembryony is a phenomenon wherein we get many embryos within the seed. 2) Polyembryony will increase the chances of survival of vegetation as there are a couple of seedlings formed. (3) Nucellar embryos are shaped from diploid parental tissue. (4) Thus genetically uniform form of seedlings are obtained which are similar to … Read more

Why is Parthenocarpic fruits are without seeds?

(1) In parthenocarpy, fruit is developed without fertilization. (2) When fertilization takes area ovules inside the ovary are transformed into seeds. (3) In parthenocarpy, for fruit improvement chemical stimulus from placental tissue transforms or stimulates ovary into fruit however it is seedless.

Pollination is prerequisite for fertilization in plants.

(1) Fertilization is a fusion of male and female gametes. (2) Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains that carry non-motile male gametes. (3) Pollen grains are transferred from the anther to the stigma of the flower where they germinate. (4) Both male and female gametes are non-motile and they are produced at two different … Read more

Dichogamy favours cross pollination.

(1) Maturation of anther (stamen) and stigma (carpel) at one-of-a-kind times is called dichogamy. (2) Dichogamy is of two sorts, viz, protandry and protogyny. (3) Maturity of anthers earlier than that of gynoecium is protandry and adulthood of carpel before adulthood of pollen grains is protogyny. (4) As this bureaucracy barrier for self-pollination, dichogamy favors past … Read more